Exploring Nature
We have really appreciated all the interesting items the students have brought in for us to investigate at our nature centre. We've had a pumpkin, leaves, rocks, pinecones, insects, and seed pods.
After investigating these, the students noticed something very interesting inside. One student told us "They are seeds, and they can fly!" This got all the students very interested as they began to blow them around our room.
Miss Lee and I are waiting for the perfect windy day so we can learn more about weather and why these seeds are designed this way.
Colour Inquiry
The students are still very interested in colour and have been exploring colours around our room.
Students enjoyed sorting materials from the art studio to make colour posters to hang in our classroom.
Exploring colour and light on the light table.
Story Retelling
Here students are demonstrating their understanding of stories we shared in class by using props to retell and act out the stories.
Making Connections
We have begun learning how to make connections to texts that we are reading. Making connections means that we are able explain how books relate to something in the world, something in our own personal history or to other texts. These girls pointed out to the class that these books are similar because they are both about mice that are trying not to be eaten by predators.