While playing with a toy frog at the science center, some students stated that they wanted to build a habitat for the frog. When asked what materials they would need, the girls responded that they would like to use sand and rocks. This led to some interesting dialogue between the students, as some were very concerned that the frog would not have any water. The students decided to use our class i-pad and some non-fiction books from the library to find out exactly what they would need. After much research and discussion, the students created this home for the frog.
After the habitat was created, I invited students to join me on the i-pad to do some further research together. Students shared their "wonderings" and we used these questions to guide our research.
"Why do frogs have that big bubble?" Saskia
"Why do frogs sing?" Lily
"What is a frog saying when he ribbits?" Liam
"Why do frogs stick their tongues out?" Brooke
"How do frogs jump so high?" Jamison
The more we read about frogs, the more questions the students had.
"Do frogs have ears?" Jamie
"What is the difference between frogs and toads?" Lily
"Do frogs have teeth?" Mrs. Kelly
"How do frogs eat their food without any teeth?" Brooke
"What do frogs eat?" Michael
"Are all frogs green?" Enoch