Presenting Mrs. Kelly's Kindergarten Class Blog!

Follow our Reggio Emilia Inspired class to see what students are learning at Coronation Public School. Visit often, borrow ideas to enhance learning at home, and most importantly, discuss with your child their--- PLAYFUL LEARNING, EXPLORATIONS, and DISCOVERIES at school.

Sunday 28 October 2012

Our Marching Band
Many of our students have been enjoying using various materials in our classroom (boxes, paper towel rolls, rice and beans) to create their own musical instruments.

Some of the students have enjoyed building their own stage so that they could use their instruments to put on a musical concert for the class.

Miss Lee introduced the students to some real musical instruments in our classroom to see if that would encourage them to try to make different types of instruments.  As you can see, they were more interested in a musical marching band!

They sounded so great, so we decided to get all the students together to have our very own marching band outside.

We are happy to take your empty boxes and paper towel rolls.  The students always come up with creative ways of using them.

Busy Builders


The students had a great time making rice krispie treats in the kitchen.  We worked together to read and follow the recipe, measure out the ingredients,  stir the pot, and press them into the pan.



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